Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kenya on My Mind

I'm itching to go to Kenya...I don't know why? Maybe it's because it's something out of the ordinary. Not your usual "touristy" place where people crowd in one area...trying to take gazillion photos of a single landmark.

I'm imagining what it would be like to stay "closer to nature". The sound of roaming lions, maybe? The sight of giraffes & elephants & all the other majestic animals freely running around. The fact that for once, after several years of traveling...I am not surrounded by any man-made structures, but the beauty of nature itself.

Am I trying to be too poetic? I don't think so. A bit ambitious for this luxurious holiday maybe. But who knows? Maybe by some stroke of luck...I'd soon be basking under the African sun!

Til then, I'd keep dreaming of you...Kenya!

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