Monday, October 27, 2008

My New Bestfriend

Everyone, meet my new fridge! No, it's not what you're thinking. I maybe on the heavy side now but no, I'm not into emotional eating.

You know how it're too gloomy coz you can't go on a trip for the meantime, so you find consolation in other things.I've tried going through my travel photos, re-counting my shot glasses & key rings...but right now, my ref magnets are the ones that give me the ultimate satisfaction! Apart from my travel photos, these are the next tangible memory I definitely treasure the most. Every morning, as I take my breakfast, I make a quick scan & ...sigh!

Of course there are those which were purchased just for the sake of having a souvenir, but there are some which still bring a silly grin on my face...specifically that "Crazy Weed" I got from Amsterdam!

Do not be deceived by the disarray though, coz believe it or not, I know how many they are & where they are exactly located. I even know which ones are yet to be placed, broken & missing. So if you're thinking of asking for one...I don't think so, honey!

These are the artifacts of my crazy travel life & while I'm at it, maybe it's time to buy a bigger fridge?! What do you think? (Wink wink)

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